Simon Bliss
John Shedden
John Thomson
People --> Simon Bliss
Simon Bliss
Simon Bliss Simon has 15 years' experience in the electricity industry, joining the UK industry pre-privatisation as a graduate trainee with the CEGB in London. After 6 years spent in the US working for Scotland's inward investment organisation and subsequently its venture capital group he returned to the industry as the Business Development Manager for Scottish Nuclear. Here he was responsible for energy policy and strategy and played a leading role in the privatisation of the company in 1996.
In 1996 Simon became the first member of the newly privatised British Energy’s international business development team where he was responsible for North America. He played a leading role in British Energy’s entry into this market starting with the formation of AmerGen, a 50/50 joint venture with Exelon (formerly PECO Energy). This venture subsequently went on to acquire 2,500MW of nuclear assets in the US. As part of his responsibility Simon served on the AmerGen Management Committee. During this period he worked on a number of major transactions including two very large US utility mergers.
On returning to the UK, he became head of business development and latterly Director of Strategy and Business Development where he was on company’s executive team and on a number of subsidiary boards. Simon led numerous transactions in Eastern Europe (Czech Republic nuclear), the UK (supply and fossil, nuclear and renewables generation) and in Canada (nuclear, fossil and hydro generation).
Simon led the company’s strategy development activities including its submission to the energy review as well as the collaboration projects with BNFL and AECL to explore new nuclear build in the UK.
Simon has an honours degree in economics and statistics from Surrey University and an MBA from the Strathclyde Business School.

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