Transaction Experience
Clients --> Transaction Experience
Transaction Experience
Nuclear Fossil and Hydro
  • AmerGen Joint Venture
  • Acquisition of 1,000MW Clinton BWR Power Station from Illinois Power
  • Acquisition of 830MW Three Mile Island PWR Power Station from FirstEnergy
  • Acquisition of Oyster Creek 620MW BWR from FirstEnergy
  • Bid for Czech nuclear stations
  • Purchase and sale of Bruce Power 6 GW Canadian nuclear plant
  • Sale of 50% of AmerGen to Exelon
  • Nuclear O&M contract negotiations
  • Due diligence on US nuclear stations
  • Bid for Fiddlers Ferry & Ferrybridge power stations
  • Bid for Sutton Bridge power station
  • Acquisition of Eggborough power station from National Power
  • Negotiation of innovative end to end coal supply deal
  • Negotiation of coal transportation contracts
  • Negotiation of long-term coal contracts for Eggborough power station
  • Negotiation of JV for new build CCGT
  • Bids for hydro and fossil plant in Canada
Renewables General M&A and Energy
  • Negotiation of major renewables JV
  • Sale of Offshore Wind Power Ltd to Centrica
  • Management and development of 600MW portfolio
  • Development of 10MW Huron Wind, Ontario, Canada
  • Sale of 50% of Huron Wind
  • British Energy privatisation
  • Acquisition of Swalec electricity supply business
  • Bid for Norweb electricity supply business
  • Sale of Swalec electricity supply business
  • Two attempted mergers with US Investor-owned utilities worth in aggregate over $5 billion
  • Negotiation of long-term 10TWh p.a. PPA with SSE
  • Bids for 2 SME electricity supply businesses in UK
  • British Energy restructuring and prospectus

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